Hearth pads (also called stove boards or stove pads) protect the area around your fireplace or wood stove from any possible fire dangers that could potentially ruin the integrity of your home. Your hearth is subject to extreme heat and possible rogue sparks from the fire that could ignite a flame where you don’t want them (such as your living room floor). For this reason, Hearth pads are made of noncombustible materials such as brick, tile, stone or concrete to help extinguish any flares that may escape from the fire. Whether your fireplace is floor level or elevated, you can find a decorative style that matches your home and will meet all local codes and requirements.
The size of the firebox determines what size of hearth pad or hearth extension is needed for each unit. As a standard, the hearth must extend at least 16 inches outward from the front opening of the firebox and at least 8 inches on each side. However, if the firebox opening is greater than six square feet, the hearth pad size must increase to stay proportionate to the fire (20 inches from front, 12 inches from sides). We encourage you to reference the manual for your fireplace or stove for specific hearth sizing requirements from the manufacturer.
Hearth Pads have many styles, shapes, colors and sizes available. The standard shape has a flat back and diagonally-edged corners. Square hearth pads are classic and traditional, but using an octagon-shaped hearth pad can give your fireplace a fresh new look. For fireplaces or wood stoves that sit in a corner, there are complementary corner-fitted hearth pad options. Of course, each shape has multiple color combinations available, so you can find the perfect hearth protection for your home. You can even get a custom-made unit to complement your home décor if none of the stock options interest you.